Proctorio is a tool that allows for remote proctoring of Canvas quizzes with a robust and flexible set of options at your disposal. If you need Proctorio enabled and calibrated for a particular quiz/exam, please submit a request to the CUSPS Helpdesk.
*note* you will need to use the Google Chrome browser and activate Proctorio to view any results.
After students have submitted completed the remotely proctored quiz, you can view your Proctorio Gradebook report by heading to the page of the quiz. In the right hand menu, click on View Proctorio Gradebook.
This will take you to a page with a list of all students' test taking reports. If you click on a student's name, a video of all recorded content (if enabled) will drop down with any suspicious behavior flagged on its timeline in red or yellow. If your proctor settings are less lenient, you will see more flagged behavior. This does not mean a student was cheating necessarily. You will need to review those flagged areas in the timeline.
Below that, Proctorio offers an analysis of how that student's test taking relates to that of others. If you have any questions about how to interpret these results, feel free to reach out to the CUSPS Helpdesk.
The Online Support Team is hosting two Proctorio Info sessions for faculty on 11/11/19 and 11/13/19. Feel free to sign up here>>