This guide is for students who use a Mac and want to record a Panopto session for Canvas.
Step 1. Find the Panopto Widget
How you find the Panopto widget depends on where you want to use Panopto. Start by going to the page where you want to use Panopto to record and submit a session (e.g. assignment, discussion, etc.).
If you are on an assignment page, click Submit Assignment at the top-right.
If the assignment allows multiple types of submissions, click the Text Entry tab.
If an assignment only allows one type of submission and permits Panopto, the Text Entry tab should be the only tab visible and already be selected for you.
In the editor toolbar above the text-entry field, click the Apps button (which looks like an electrical plug), then select the Panopto Recordings option and skip to Step 2.
If an option for Panopto does not appear, select View All then click Panopto Recordings in the Select App window that appears. Skip to Step 2.
If you do not see the Panopto icon or the the plug icon, then you will need to click the three-dot menu in the Rich Content Editor to bring down the full menu
If you are in a discussion, click Reply.
In the editor toolbar above the text-entry field, click on the Apps button (which looks like an electrical plug), then select the Panopto Recordings option.
If an option for Panopto does not appear, select View All then click Panopto Recordings in the Select App window that appears.
Step 2. Prepare to Launch Panopto
The Panopto Recordings window will pop up. If prompted, sign in using your Canvas credentials. You may also have to authenticate or allow Panopto to be used. Then, select Record on the right.
In the drop-down menu at the top, select “My Folder” as the destination for your recording.
Name the session to be recorded, following any naming system in the instructions on the assignment/discussion page.
Download and install Panopto using the link if you have not already done so.
Step 3. Launch the Panopto application
Click the Launch App button. This opens the Panopto application.
Step 4. Prepare to Record
When the application finishes launching, confirm that the folder and session names at the top are the same ones you chose earlier. If needed, the folder can be edited here as in the Panopto Recordings window earlier, and the session name can be changed later, after recording.
Select your webcam from the Video drop-down menu. Make sure your webcam video is displayed in the Primary Source preview window.
Select your microphone from the Audio drop-down menu, and test your audio input by speaking a few words. The volume meter just below will light up when detecting sound.
If you need to adjust your microphone volume, do so at your computer’s System Preferences > Sound > Input.
If you want to record a video-only session with your webcam, confirm that the boxes under Slides for Record PowerPoint and Record Keynote are unchecked, confirm that Source (under Secondary Sources) is set to None in the drop-down menu, and skip to Step 5.
If you want to record a session with your webcam and presentation slides, check the box for Record PowerPoint or Record Keynote. Choose only one, and leave unchecked what you will not use.
Open your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, but do not start the slideshow yet. Return to Panopto.
Note: Panopto will not record transitions, animations, and notes or drawings created during the slideshow. To record such, simply record the screen that will play the slideshow, using the next directions for screen recording and not the above directions for recording slides.
Confirm that Source (under Secondary Sources) is set to None in the drop-down menu, then skip to Step 5.
If you want to record a session with your webcam and a recording of your screen, click on the drop-down menu next to Source (under Secondary Sources) and choose the correct screen.
Under Slides, confirm that the checkboxes for Record PowerPoint and/or Record Keynote are unchecked.
Step 5. Record
Confirm that everything you want to record is selected, and everything you don’t want to record is unselected, then click Record.
Begin your presentation. Once recording begins, you can Pause the recording or Stop, then choose to delete and retry.
If you’re recording presentation slides, return to PowerPoint or Keynote and play your slideshow when you need. Panopto will only record the slides that are presented while the slideshow is playing.
If you’re recording a screen, minimize Panopto after clicking Record to hide it from view, then start your presentation.
Step 6. Stop Recording
When you are finished presenting, click Stop.
If necessary, you can choose Delete and record again. Otherwise, confirm the title in the Session Name field and, depending on your preferences in Panopto, click Done or Upload.
Step 7. Review Your Session
Next, you will be taken to the Manage Recordings window.
If you clicked Done after stopping the recording, click Choose Folder and Upload at the bottom-left, confirm the folder and session name, and click Upload.
The progress of the upload will be shown there and at the top. You must wait for uploading to complete. After the session is done uploading, it will begin processing. You do not have to wait for processing to complete before returning to your course page on Canvas.
You can preview your recording in the Preview panel at the bottom-right. Move your cursor over the preview image to access the play controls. (This does not show presentation slideshows.)
Step 8. Submit Your Session
Return to your course page on Canvas, and you will see your recently recorded session in the Panopto Recordings window. Click Insert at the bottom-right.
The Panopto Recordings window will close, and you will see your session appear in the text entry box.
If this is for an assignment, click Submit Assignment.
If this is for a discussion, click Post Reply.
Your session will not be ready to watch until processing is complete. Processing time roughly corresponds to the recording’s length. When the Panopto session is finished processing, the embed will automatically refresh itself and be ready to play.